Thursday, June 9, 2011

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  • Saralayar
    07-28 09:09 PM
    I'm getting fed up with people on this forum who assume that India is the only country from which people immigrate to the US, and always only mention the India dates when talking about cut off dates, and assume that are the only dates people want to talk about.

    Even though India is by far the country of birth with the most high skilled immigrants to the US, it still takes up less than half of the number of high skilled immigrants. By some discussions going on on this forum, you would think 95% of the high skilled immigrants come from India.

    Yes you are correct. Guys just like that start some heart breaking threads. Not doing proper research on such delicate and sensitive issues.

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  • Blog Feeds
    07-09 12:30 PM
    AILA Leadership Has Just Posted the Following:

    While the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (�IRCA�) prohibits employers from knowingly hiring or continuing to employ unauthorized workers, the Obama Administration�s decision to vigorously enforce employer sanction laws against employers, before providing a path to U.S. employers to legalize critical essential workers, is plain bad policy. �Immigration officers are investigating workplaces in every state in the US to check whether they are hiring illegal workers.� ICE launches workplace immigration crackdown (

    We are in the midst of the �Great Recession� and U.S. industry is struggling to remain competitive. President Barack Obama�s strategy puts U.S. employers and industry between a rock and a hard place. While the law requires U.S. employers to verify, through a specific process, the identity and work authorization eligibility of all individuals, whether U.S. citizens or otherwise, it is practically impossible to obtain legal status for employers who discover undocumented workers in their workforce � even if they have been employed for decades. Immigrant Visa Numbers Hopelessly Encased In Amber (

    The diligent employer questioning the veracity of employment eligibility documents can face discrimination charges and vigorous enforcement by the U.S. Department of Justice, if for example, they check only Latino workers, or subject certain classes or worker to extra scrutiny. The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel enforces the antidiscrimination provisions that protect most work-authorized persons from intentional employment discrimination based upon citizenship or immigration status, national origin, and unfair documentary practices relating to the employment eligibility verification process. The law prohibits retaliation against individuals who file charges and who cooperate with an investigation. Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair ... (

    No one knows how many of the 6,000,000 U.S. employers, as well as household employers, are familiar with, and in full compliance with the complex U.S. immigration law. Many employers are surprised when told the law requires ALL employers to complete an Employment Verification Form I-9 for any new employee hired after November 6, 1986, or face huge civil fines, and possible jail sentences. The I-9 Employee Verification form must be completed within three days of hire for all hires including U.S. citizens.

    Vigorously enforcing this law without providing employers any way to keep essential workers puts employers struggling to make ends meet with the possibility of receiving huge fines, and even prison sentences if they "knowing continuing to hire five or more workers." Actual knowledge of the undocumented worker's status isn't always required, and "constructive knowledge" will suffice where the employer "should have known" of the worker's status. For example, if the employer tries to sponsor an undocumented worker for immigration benefits, the employer is presumed to know of the workers lack of immigration status. The Department of Homeland Security, through its enforcement division, Immigration and Customs Enforcements (ICE) has undertaken a massive new enforcement effort directed at employers large and small. More than 650 US businesses to have employee work files audited ( Los Angeles Times - ?Jul 1, 2009.?

    The focus on audit enforcement is clearly evidenced by the rising number of worksite audits, increased heavy civil penalties and likely continuing criminal prosecutions resulting from worksite violations. Immigration Focus Is on the Employers ( New York Times - ?Jul 1, 2009? �The Obama administration began investigations of hundreds of businesses on Wednesday as part of its strategy to focus immigration.�

    While employers need to be extremely cautious and take steps to ensure that their employee verification papers are in order, the government needs to fix the immigration mess BEFORE pursuing this new aggressive policy of conducting ICE AUDIT "RAIDS�. Employers should be given an opportunity to pursue a legal path for essential workers before the Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers come �knocking at the door.�,0,7434438.story (,0,7434438.story) Los Angeles Times: L.A. employers face immigration audits.

    Many employers are caught in a Catch-22 when it comes to employee verification. �If you�re in the roofing business, if you�re in the concrete business, you don�t have American-born workers showing up at your door ... you have Hispanic workers showing up at your door, and they have what looks to be a legitimate Social Security card ... under our current law, if they have a card that looks legitimate and you don�t hire them because you suspect they are illegal, then you are guilty of discrimination and could be investigated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that�s the current system and it�s broken." Said Norman Adams, co-founder of Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy to the Houston Chronicle: Immigration crackdown goes after employers. (

    Vigorously enforcing these laws without providing an option to employers is plain bad policy and it could make our economic situation worse. My experience with the employer verification law is most employers are simply not familiar with all aspects of the complex immigration laws. Most employers don't know that if they question a legal worker�s documents, the U.S. Department of Justice (U.S.D.O.J.) may charge them with discrimination. The adverse impact on the economy and on the housing market could be serious. The substantial economic contribution of hard working immigrants is clear. Economic contributions of immigrants come in many forms in California. ( The California Immigrant Policy Center ( estimates that the state's immigrants pay $30 billion in federal taxes, $5.2 billion in state income taxes, ( and $4.6 billion in sales taxes ( each year. The Selig Center for Economic Growth ( calculates that the purchasing power of Latino and Asian consumers in California ( totaled $412 billion in 2008 � nearly one-third of the state's total purchasing power. The U.S. Census Bureau ( found that California ( businesses owned by Latinos and Asians constituted more than one-quarter of all businesses in the state as of 2002, employing 1.2 million people and generating sales and receipts of $183 billion. Where would our economy be without these immigrants? ( Sacramento Bee: Immigrants are not a fiscal drain.

    Comprehensive immigration reform requires a path to legal status for the undocumented and an orderly system for future worker flows to allow U.S. industry to innovate and compete globally. It will require a complete overhaul of the government agencies that now mismanage a slew of immigration programs that could and should be the rejuvenating lifeblood of our nation. ( New York Times: Opening a Door to Young Immigrants.

    The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) understands the issues from a deep perspective, not merely from an emotional view. We believe that a sensible comprehensive immigration reform package will have to include smart enforcement, a path to citizenship for the 12 million undocumented immigrants currently living and working in the U.S., elimination of family and employment-based visa backlogs, adequate visas to meet the needs of U.S. families and businesses, a new visa program for essential workers to enable employers to legalize critically needed workers in agriculture, construction, and to provide future flows in certain areas including scientific fields, where as many as two thirds of our advanced degreed graduates are international students. We must also provide due process protections and restore the rule of law in immigration adjudications, and in our immigration courts. AILA Welcomes Obama's Proactive Push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform This Year (

    More... (

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  • boston_gc
    02-23 09:53 PM
    I am not sure if BS (3 yrs) + MCA is considered to be equivalent to MS or not. But if it is, then you can definitely file for EB2 (MS +0). However, your company will need to have a job that requires these qualifications.

    Also, I am not sure why you couldn't use the experience gained with your employer. If the job description is at least 50% different than your EB3 job, you can certainly use the experience gained at your current employer.

    I am also planning to file under EB2 using the experience gained with current employer. However, I have been concerned about possible audit. Nonetheless, when I asked the audit question (in a different thread), couple of folks shared their personal experience who had gotten approval (using experience gained at same employer) without any audit.

    Has anyone seen a case where someone got audited for using the experience gained with the same employer? I think this will be a useful information for several others as well...

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  • immigrant2007
    07-19 09:05 PM
    It doesn't matter if the I-140 was revoked by the prev employer, still the PD is yours to keep provided that I-140 was approved. One should also be cautious about the revocation, if the approved I-140 was revoked by USCIS itself as a fraudulent filing then no benefits from that I-140! Otherwise you are good.

    The new company's offer is like any other job for you, if you qualify for the job and the company likes you and your skills they are going to offer the market salary and the position can even be a manager, then you might qualify for EB1!

    Hi Rajenk

    thanks for the information


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  • anu_t
    06-16 01:11 AM


    WASHINGTON -- Senators Chuck Grassley and Dick Durbin today continued their quest to ensure that American workers are protected, and that companies who bring in foreign workers are complying with the law.

    The Senators today sent a letter to Emilio Gonzalez, the director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, asking more questions about how the agency is addressing fraud and abuse in the H-1B visa program.

    Earlier this month, the Senators sent letters to the top 9 foreign-owned companies to determine the companies' usage of H-1B visas. Today's letter comes on the heels of responses received from several of the foreign companies.

    "From the responses we've received thus far, it�s evident that American workers are in the minority at these companies. I expect Citizenship and Immigration Services to take a hard look at their recruiting methods to make sure they are complying with the law," Grassley said. "We cannot just increase the annual allocation of visas without understanding how companies are using them."

    "We've begun to question how many companies are complying with H-1B visa requirements," Durbin said. "I look forward to hearing back from Director Gonzalez on what the government is doing to enforce the law."

    At this time, Grassley and Durbin will not be releasing the information received from the companies.

    Here is a copy of the letter to Gonzalez.

    June 13, 2007

    The Honorable Emilio T. Gonzalez


    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

    Washington, DC 20529

    Dear Director Gonzalez:

    Recently, we asked the foreign-based companies who obtain the most H-1B visas to answer questions regarding their workforce, wages, recruitment efforts, and usage of H-1B visas in the United States. Our letters were intended to learn more about how some companies are using the H-1B visa program. We remain concerned that the H-1B and L visa programs are facilitating the displacement of Americans by cheaper foreign workers. We continue our effort to understand how the H-1B and L visa programs are being used by U.S. and foreign-based companies, and therefore request that you provide details related to these programs.

    Under current law, H-1B-dependent employers are required to attest that they have not displaced comparable workers in the United States before hiring a foreign worker. They must also make a good faith effort to recruit Americans first.

    The responses to our letters to foreign-based H-1B users have led us to question how many companies are currently defined as H-1B-dependent, and if these employers who depend on H-1B visa holders are being adequately monitored for compliance with H-1B program requirements. While we understand that the Department of Labor has primary jurisdiction over H-1B dependent employers, we would like to understand your agency�s role in ensuring compliance with laws regarding displacement and recruitment.

    We have also become concerned about the use of L visas by companies who also use large numbers of H-1B visas. Many companies are allowed to bring in L visa workers through a Ablanket petition,@ which is approved by USCIS. While the blanket petition is meant to simplify the process, we fear that some foreign workers may be approved for visas by the Department of State without proper oversight by USCIS, which has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with L visa program requirements.

    In order to better understand the nature of the L visa program, we need to have access to better statistics. We would like to know how many L visas are approved each year, and what companies use the program. We would also like to know more about the use of the blanket petition for L visa holders, and USCIS=s ability to monitor individual visa holders who are allowed entry into the United States on a blanket petition.

    Finally, we are concerned about the level of fraud monitoring of the H-1B and L visa programs. While we understand that the Fraud Detection and National Security unit is analyzing and writing an assessment of the H-1B program, we are concerned that abuse of both programs is not being addressed adequately. Given that the immigration bill before the Senate includes a provision to allow USCIS to divert special funds to other operations, we would like to know how many dollars have been used specifically for H-1B and L fraud efforts. We also seek more details about how these investigations are being handled within the Department.

    Given these concerns, we respectfully ask that the following answers be provided to us by Wednesday, June 20, 2007.

    H-1B Dependent Employers

    $ Please explain the process of identifying employers as H-1B dependent employers pursuant to INA Section 212(n)(3).

    $ How many companies are defined by USCIS to be AH-1B dependent@ employers?

    $ How are these H-1B dependent employers being monitored, if at all, by USCIS?

    Blanket L Visa Petitions

    $ How many L visas have been approved each year since 2000?

    $ Please provide lists of companies that have used the L visa program for each of the two most recently available years, and how many visas each company has obtained in each year.

    $ Since USCIS has primary jurisdiction over blanket petitions and visa policies, what role has been delegated to the Department of State and how is your agency ensuring that aliens under the blanket petition are being properly screened before entering the U.S.?

    $ What role, if any, does USCIS play in monitoring the approval of L visas covered by blanket petitions?

    $ Please provide an explanation of USCIS=s ability to track individual L visa holders who are allowed entry into the United States on visas covered by a blanket petition.

    Investigations of Fraud and Abuse

    $ Annually, what has been the total amount of funds deposited into the Fraud Prevention and Detection Account under INA Section 286(v) since it was established? Of this amount, what amount has been provided to the Department of Homeland Security under 286(v)(2)(B)?

    $ How have the funds provided pursuant to 286(v)(2)(B) been used in FY2005, FY2006, and thus far in FY2007? How many funds have not been expended in a given year?

    $ How does USCIS plan to spend the remaining funds left in FY2007?

    $ How many total fraud and abuse referrals have been sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the last two years? How many of these referrals, to your knowledge, have been pursued? How many referrals, to your knowledge, are pending? Please provide any further details about specific cases or referrals to ICE that may be helpful to understanding the process within the Department.

    $ Please provide examples of recent investigative referrals to ICE dealing with H-1B or L visas. Please explain any referrals in the last two years that have not been pursued or that have been closed, and provide information on how many are currently pending.

    While we anticipate your concerns about providing such information to us by Wednesday, June 20th, we must stress the fact that the U.S. Senate is considering comprehensive legislation that would change immigration policies for years to come. The H-1B and L visa programs must be better understood before further action is taken on this bill. We appreciate your cooperation in providing us with input in the next week.

    Please contact XXXXXXXX if you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


    Charles E. Grassley Richard J. Durbin

    United States Senator United States Senator

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  • senk1s
    07-16 11:30 AM
    The answer to gcbuddy's question is straight forward - no need to notify uscis

    Just to clarify/ confuse:

    Maintaining H1-EAD / H4-EAD simultaneously looks like it is subject to atleast 2 interpretations, depending on the attorney.
    I've not seen any clear reference to this by USCIS

    H1/ H4/ AP (when approved and valid, stamped) all allow to travel/ (re)entry
    H1 allows to work only with the sponsoring employer
    EAD allows to work for any employer without restriction (C9 classification is a fringe benefit as a result of filing 485)


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  • bikram_das_in
    09-08 11:35 AM
    Could be collect call. I would not trust this.

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  • chanduv23
    11-06 10:11 AM
    They are your in-laws!!! Are you sure you want them here? Think about it. :-) Jokes apart, its a pleasure to travel in Jet. My parents did travel - they can't speak English nor really read well - the crew helps them (in Hindi or Gujarati). You would have to be really knocked out to miss connecting flights in Brussells. So worry not - they'll be just fine.

    Good to know, thanks.


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  • eb3retro
    12-25 01:23 AM

    I am on H1B for past 7 months. My employer had difficulty getting job for me I got job(with 3 layers of companies before the client) after my own efforts(with little help from my company) and my employer cornered me to send an email in which i have agreed that i will get paid only if my employer gets the money from the last layer of the company he is contracting with.

    Because of that i am getting paid very late after 100 days, as companies pay late. I have got new job and i am taking it up from Jan. Till now my employer has paid only salary till August only. He has run pay stub still Mid of september(though he has not paid for september). And is refusing to give me pay stubs after that. Also he says, as i am quitting he will pay the salary going forward as bonus without pay stubs in next year 2008 as he will not be able to pay it as my salary as i will not be with them as employee after December.

    I have proper timesheets that i had submitted with client to prove my work hours with client.

    How do i get my pay stubs and my pay?

    Can i take legal action against my employer for not paying me on time and not giving me pay stubs. Will the email i sent have any advantage to him?

    Please help


    for god sake, let us know the name of the employer. that will save a soul or two. thanks.

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  • puskeygadha
    07-14 04:43 PM
    there are about 1000 people who are awaiting response from audit
    this also includes non fragemon.


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  • DSLStart
    03-30 10:00 PM
    Congrats :)
    Yahoooooooooooooo......We (Me and my wife) received welcome notice today . Our 485 is approved on 25 th March.

    no updates online just received postal mail from USCIS today .

    I guess end of long wait , been in country from 2001 .

    I wish you all the best and hang in there if your PD is current you can expect the notice any time so keep checking your postal mail box .

    FYI - I dont know if my back ground check is clear or not , I guess it is .

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  • eagerr2i
    08-30 12:39 PM
    Dear IV Members,

    The IV members have been traveling to DC and other locations while they meet the policy makers, special interest groups and the lawmakers in Washington DC. We have a few core members who have spent thousands of dollars from their personal savings for travel purposes.

    Since the core members have a preference to not draw money from the funds collected to date to be spent on travel, I am proposing that IV members donate their Frequent Flyer Airline Miles to IV. Typically, it requires about 25K miles to get a ticket in continental US and all the miles for a ticket should come from one account.

    These airline miles would be used for the core members if and when needed. You need not transfer the miles at this time and only need to pledge. I will prepare a list of personnel who pledged and will contact you when your miles are needed. Miles on major carriers- American, United, Delta, Continental, Southwest etc..are welcome.

    To kick start the pledge drive, I am donating 25,000 Airline Miles on American Airlines to IV.

    Come on members..! and pledge in this novel pledge drive for Immigration Voice.


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  • tnite
    10-15 02:02 PM
    Sorry Gurus, Couldn't figure out how to start a new thread. So posting here,

    My spouse is on H4, Now she wants to use EAD and work.She wants to work part time, She has found a job as well, but the employer is sayng she can do parttime only for few months, after that she has to do full time or find a job somewhere else. Now if she cannot find another parttime job after few months, and has to stop working , will it affect her status?

    Thankx in advance.

    Once she goes from H4 to AOS(using EAD), it doesnt matter .she can work partime, FT or not work at all.

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  • twingy
    10-04 03:51 AM
    Is there and on going class action lawsuit? and if there is where can I get info to join. I filed for a k3 visa a year and 110 days ago. Till this day USCIS still wont approve my applications because they say that we are stuck in bacgkroud checks. I dont understand how people that field way after me already have their spouse here while I have been waiting for over a year and we still dont have the NOA2. What can I do, where can I joint o get help. Is there a class action going on for this?


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  • HereIComeGC
    12-12 03:52 PM
    Now that dates for EB2 have moved to Jan 2000 PD, it might be interesting to see if we have folks in here with EB2 PD in or before Jan 2000.

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  • InTheMoment
    07-17 09:32 PM
    XM0625 is the officer id.


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  • maverick13
    04-19 07:18 PM
    My H1B was filed with job title "RF Engineer" which comes under "Electrical Engineering" in 2004. My first 3-year term on H1 expires this year end and employer needs to file for renewal for next 3-year term.

    My LC as well as 140 were applied and are approved for the position of "Electronics Engineer" which is my current position.

    Essentially Electronics Engineer position is a superset of RF Engineer/Electrical Engineer positions, job duties are pretty much the same.

    So now when I apply for my H1B renewal/extension does employer have to write the current position (Electronics engr) or the position on which H1B was filed first (RF engr)?

    Any inputs appeciated...

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  • reddymjm
    03-09 03:04 PM
    Priority date is the date on which a permanent labor certification was filed for a beneficiary and based on which an underlying I-140 petition is applied.

    should be:

    Priority date is defined in two ways -

    a) For cases with a labor certification, the date on which a permanent labor certification was filed for a beneficiary and based on which an underlying I-140 petition is applied.


    b) For cases without an underlying labor certification, the date on which the I-140 petition was applied for.

    You are right

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  • LegalIndianInUSA
    09-11 01:38 PM
    a) When did you receive the AOS receipts?
    not yet received. July 2nd filer

    b) When did you hear about the fingerprinting and how?
    mail from USCIS with a form I797c(notice of action) to go do FP

    c) When are you expecting EAD or if you have received it, how long did it take?

    not yet received

    10-25 02:14 PM
    Full credits belong to CagedCactus who took the initiative to call the meet, chose the venue and time, brought snacks and coffee to the meet. And also to Bestin who drove all the way from Lansing to be with us.

    It was nice to touch-base with some of the DC rally veterans and share our experience. And also to discover some neighbors :)

    State chapter meets are a nice opportunity to meet people and build your network - which may prove very useful to you in the future. People who skip the meets don't know what they're missing.

    Thanks again to you and everyone that attended.

    Thanks Vivek (Walking_Dude) for taking effort and arranging this. Nice meeting all of you at Troy.

    Interestingly, when we got introduced our self I found that couple of guys are from my apartment complex where I live for the past three years but never met them before. Another two guys from nearby apartments which are in walk able distance.

    It is for sure that the State Chapters are good networking opportunity for everybody. Definitely it will help each of us one or the other way. Let us keep it going.

    10-06 09:37 AM
    Anyone with July 27 File Date, Please update receipt recd or not recd

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